Cacao Ceremony & Kirtan Workshop


Workshop Recap

On September 11th, 2024, Sarah Kilcoyne hosted a special Cacao Ceremony & Kirtan workshop at Studio 2 in The Digital Hub, Dublin 8.  This workshop focused on fostering mental health and wellbeing through mindfulness, voicework, and chanting.

This workshop was part of the Health and Wellbeing Initiatives delivered by The Smart D8 Panel for the Employees of Companies based in The Digital Hub (1/5).

Workshop Highlights

During this one hour-long workshop, participants gathered in circle with a cup of ceremonial grade cacao to drink, set an intention for themselves through a guided meditation, and expressed themselves through voice work and chanting mantra, practicing Kirtan.

Cacao Ceremony

The Cacao Ceremony ritual helped participants to connect to the present moment and reconnect to themselves and their inner landscape. Participants experienced increased focus and concentration, less mental clutter, and a feeling of being more grounded and at ease within themselves. When sitting in a cacao ceremony, one is encouraged to self-reflect, to practice self compassion and gratitude, and to set an intention for themselves as to what type of energy they would like to cultivate within themselves for the hour,  and then they can carry that intention with them for the rest of their day/week.

Guided Meditation

Sarah led a guided meditation, integrating breathwork to help participants activate their parasympathetic nervous system. This relaxation technique promoted calmness, reduced stress, and supported overall mental health by slowing heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and enhancing relaxation.

Kirtan (Chanting)

The workshop concluded with a Kirtan session, where participants were invited to sing mantras alongside Sarah, while she played the harmonium, musically accompanying the singing. Using Sanskrit mantras and the harmonium, the repetitive practice helped participants focus on the present moment. Participants had the chance to learn the meaning of the Sanskrit words and the origin of the word ‘Mantra’, which comes from the junction of two words: Man – meaning mind, and Tra- meaning thread. When chanting mantra we are weaving threads of conscious words and thoughts through the mind to purify, bring clarity and transform harmful thinking. This then transports the mind into stillness. It is also widely believed that singing and syncing our breath together in time with the music promotes wellbeing and co-regulation within the group. Chanting together fostered a sense of unity and wellbeing within the group, with many feeling comfortable expressing their voices.

Workshop Goals

The primary goal of this workshop was to offer Dublin 8 workers a break from their daily routines, providing them with tools to foster and promote mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. By introducing these modalities, Sarah aimed to expand participants’ “window of tolerance”—the zone where people function most effectively. Because, when people are within this zone, they have a greater capacity to receive, process and integrate information and respond more efficiently and calmly to the demands asked of them. Therefore, the workshop helped participants learn how to remain calm and centered, even under the pressures of work.

Through the cacao ceremony, meditation, and Kirtan, the event sought to give participants new practices to help reduce stress, cultivate mindfulness, and nurture their emotional wellbeing in the workplace. The overall feedback was highly positive, with many attendees leaving feeling calmer, more grounded, and eager to incorporate these techniques into their lives.

To watch the video showcasing the best moments from the ‘Cacao Ceremony & Kirtan’ workshop, please visit this link:

Registrations Open for Smart D8 Showcase 2024


Registration is now open for Smart D8’s annual Showcase Event, scheduled for Tue 29th October 2024 at the National College of Art and Design (NCAD), Dublin 8.

The Smart D8 Showcase is an in-person event; to hear more about innovative Smart D8 pilot projects’ innovations in population health and wellbeing, ranging across themes including speech and language, community health, disability support, dementia and virtual care pathways.

The showcase will give attendees an opportunity to:

  • Observe the collaboration from across 12 different public-facing organisations as part of the Smart D8 consortium.
  • Experience the innovations happening through presentations from 2023 and 2024 Smart D8 pilot representatives.
  • Meet Smart D8’s networks and collaborators, and explore future collaboration opportunities.

Panel Session 1 : Emerging Templates for Population Health (2024)

  • A: Kids Speech Labs | Dr. Shona D’Arcy, Kids Speech Labs and EIT Health
  • B: Digital Medication Management System | Samantha Makiwa and Carolyn Woyner, Dublin Simon Community
  • C: St James’s Hospital Portasana® Care Journeys | Lyndsey Watson, Wellola
  • D: Access Information Map | Dr. Ailish Malone, CP-Life Research Centre at RCSI
  • E: Brain Health | Dr. Nick Johnson and Collaborators, Global Brain Health Institute and Trinity College Dublin
  • Group Panel Q&A

Panel Session 2 : Scaling Health Insights and Opportunities (2023)

  • A: Menopause and the City | Dr. Louise Fitzgerald, Grafton Medical
  • B: Brace | Conor Motyer, Brace
  • C: MoveAhead | Dr. Johann Isaartel, MoveAhead
  • D: OSA Identifier | Dr. Laura Piggott and Una Kearns, St. James’s Hospital and myPatientSpace
  • Group Panel Q&A

The event will include keynote presentations from the Smart D8 partners and pilots, panel discussions and Q&A, and conclude with extended on-site networking.

Register via Eventbrite Here:

See some of our 2023 Showcase Event below!

Yin Yoga Class – End of Summer Event

Class Recap

On September 4th, from 1 pm to 2:15 pm, Smart D8, in collaboration with Aurora Procopio, a skilled Yin Yoga instructor, hosted the ‘Yin Yoga’ class. This event took place in iD8 at The Digital Depot and aimed at bringing the Dublin 8 community together to celebrate the end of the summer with Smart D8.

Yin Yoga is a meditative, slow-paced style of yoga that incorporates principles of Traditional Chinese medicine with asanas. It is based on the Taoist concept of Yin and Yang, where Yin represents stable, passive, and feminine energy, and Yang represents dynamic, active, and masculine energy.

Class Highlights

Yin Yoga is distinct from other styles of yoga, with most poses performed seated on the floor and held for longer periods, typically between 3 to 6 minutes. This practice primarily focuses on the lower part of the body, such as the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, and lower spine, which are rich in connective tissues. Yin Yoga offers numerous physical, energetic, mental, and emotional benefits, assisting with personal and spiritual growth. On a physical level, it aims to “stress” the connective tissues through tension and compression, gradually increasing their strength, thickness, and flexibility. Energetically, Yin Yoga promotes the flow of QI energy, improving blood circulation, maintaining organ health, and stimulating the 12 meridian lines where energy flows, thus balancing our energy and emotions.

Class Goals

The Yin Yoga session helped participants to focus on their inner selves by being present and aware of the moment, countering the busyness of daily life and the tendency to operate on autopilot. Poses like Butterfly pose, Swan pose, Bananasana, and Child pose were featured during the class and participants used personal cushions for extra comfort during the various yoga poses and also to increase the “stress” in designated areas, enhancing the overall practice. Regular practice of Yin Yoga offers many health and emotional benefits, such as improved flexibility, tissue hydration, breath awareness, and relaxation of the mind and body.

Health & Wellbeing Initiatives from The Smart D8 Panel & The Digital Hub


After successfully collaborating with various organisations and professionals across Dublin 8 to deliver health and wellbeing initiatives to residents from January to May 2024, Smart D8 has now established a Panel of Tutors and Facilitators with diverse expertise to lead and facilitate engaging workshops with workers on various health and wellbeing topics.

This September and October, The Digital Hub is partnering with The Smart D8 Tutors and Facilitators Panel to offer a series of health and wellbeing workshops for the employees of companies based in The Digital Hub. Each workshop will be one hour long, taking place during lunch breaks from mid-September to mid-October, across different venues within The Digital Hub.

Workshops Available

1. CACAO CEREMONY & KIRTAN: An hour to calm and ground yourself with a cup of ceremonial cacao and guided meditation.

2. TO CHESS OR NOT TO CHESS: Come and learn how to play chess.

  • Date: Wednesday, 25th September
  • Time: 1-2 pm
  • Location: iD8 Studio at The Gatelodge, Roe Lane (off Thomas Street), The Digital Hub, Dublin 8, D08 EY05.

3. AWAKENING TO THE PRESENT MOMENT: How mindfulness and meditation can help you to step out of the autopilot mode.

  • Date: Wednesday, 2nd October
  • Time: 1-2 pm
  • Location: Space 6, The Grainstore, Roe Lane (off Thomas Street), The Digital Hub, Dublin 8, D08 KC81.

4. NURTURING MENTAL WELLBEING IN THE WORKPLACE: Fostering mental health and wellbeing in a supportive work environment using creativity.

  • Date: Tuesday, 8th October
  • Time: 1-2 pm
  • Location: Learning Studio, Digital Depot, Roe Lane (off Thomas Street), The Digital Hub, Dublin 8, D08 TCV4.

5. OFFICE YOGA: Try out something new and practice yoga with a chair.

  • Date: Wednesday, 9th October
  • Time: 1-2 pm
  • Location: iD8 Studio at The Gatelodge, Roe Lane (off Thomas Street), The Digital Hub, Dublin 8, D08 EY05.

How to Register

If you are an employee of a company or organisation based at The Digital Hub campus then you are welcome to attend these workshops, which will be held at lunchtime at The Digital Hub campus. They are free to attend, however you must register your attendance in advance. Due to limited availability, early registration is encouraged.

Email Giulia Camera, Smart D8 Enterprise and Learning Coordinator, at and specify the workshop(s) you would like to register for and the number of places you’d like to reserve. Please also confirm the company/organisation you are working with at The Digital Hub.

Stay Engaged, Stay Updated

Smart D8 is committed to supporting initiatives aimed at enriching the health and wellbeing of the Dublin 8 community. If you would like our assistance in organizing and delivering a health and wellbeing event, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Celebrating Creativity & Wellbeing: Artist In Residence Series & Bealtaine Festival


The collaboration between Smart D8 and the Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing (MISA) at St James’s Hospital in Dublin 8 was a remarkable initiative aimed at enhancing the wellbeing of older adults and hospital staff through projects supporting healthy living and creativity across the life course. This partnership, supported by Smart D8 funding, facilitated a series of creative projects and events over April and May 2024, emphasizing the intersection of health, community, and creativity.

Smart D8 funding supported three different projects developed and delivered by Creative Life MISA, a key pillar within the Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing at St. James’s. Creative Life MISA is dedicated to promoting mental and physical wellbeing through access to various arts practices.

1. The Artist In Residence Series & The Bealtaine Festival

One of the highlights of the collaboration between Smart D8 and Creative Life MISA was the Artist in Residence Series, featuring Emma McKeagney. Emma, an accomplished artist and writer, facilitated art workshops for older adults both in MISA’s clinical wards and in the Dublin 8 community through MISA’s social prescribing team. These workshops aimed to reach older adults living in isolation, allowing them and their families to join the art-making series. Her workshops, centered around the ancient festival of Bealtaine, provided participants with a unique opportunity to explore storytelling and art-making, fostering a sense of community and creativity.

Bealtaine, traditionally celebrated to mark the start of summer around May 1st, has been an important festival in Ireland for over a thousand years. It marked the time when cattle and livestock were brought to their summer pastures. Festivities and rituals were planned to protect the flocks, encourage growth in the harvest, look after people, and instill hope for the future. This included large bonfires, gatherings, and decorating the May Bush with flowers, ribbons, and other items. The oldest person in the household traditionally decorated the May Bush, which was left up from May 1st to 31st.

The series took place over eight Thursdays between April and May 2024, exploring themes of light and Bealtaine through storytelling and art-making. On average, 12 people attended the art workshop sessions over eight weeks for 90 minutes each. Participants created a May Bush in the MISA courtyard to protect the community and instill hope for the future. Visual art pieces and decorations made by participants from Kilmainham MISA Ward and older adults in the community included hanging ribbons and chimes, painted and written with wishes for the future, love for family members, and good summer weather.

These sessions culminated in a public showcase on May 23, 2024, where participants shared their artworks and experiences. The exhibition, held over one month in MISA, engaged many patients, their families, hospital staff, and the community. The initiatives reached a broad audience, with over 500 daily visitors to the Creative Life area during the public showcase and significant engagement on social media platforms.

All participants felt empowered after the showcase and hoped it would continue in Creative Life. They enjoyed the freedom of making art within a group each week and this was a first-time experience for all attendees to participate and create an art showcase.

2. The Documentary Screening

Smart D8 funding also contributed to refreshments at a documentary screening in MISA for a national Bealtaine festival event. The documentary, titled “The Art Of Living,” was created by Cork-based filmmaker Cormac O’Connor in 2021. It is a one-hour film celebrating the creative and civic lives of older people in Cork. The film showcases and celebrates a group of older citizens who, despite their advancing years, remain highly active in the community and the arts. It explores the idea that creativity, often perceived as the domain of the young, can be enriched by the maturity and sensibility that comes with older age. The documentary aimed to be life-affirming, interviewing older people who draw strength from their creativity. The screening was attended by 86 people.

3. The International Nurse’s Day

Smart D8 funding also supported Creative Life MISA projects such as International Nurses’ Day at St. James’s Hospital, during which Asha Ari, a renowned Ghanaian/Irish singer-songwriter, performed to support healthcare. Approximately 200 people attended the event. Her performances not only entertained but also connected healthcare assistants with their cultural roots, culminating in a moving rendition of the African Union song.

Feedback from Participants

Participants in the Creative Life MISA initiatives shared their experiences and the positive impact these projects had on their lives:

  • “This series has been very helpful. It helped improve my self-esteem and confidence. In the beginning, I didn’t think I would be good at painting, but with Emma’s help and guidance, I found my way.”
  • “I really enjoyed our times in Creative Life. The staff were so helpful and lovely to be with. Meeting up with people was therapeutic.”
  • “Thanks to whoever organized this for all of us living with dementia. It was brilliant.”
  • “This art course has been wonderful for both my wife and me. I strongly hope that other people are encouraged to participate in the Creative Life MISA – Smart D8 program. The people organizing this course have been fantastic.”
  • “I think something like this is a real gift to someone like my little sister to get her out and doing something. It was good for me too.”
  • “I never did any arty things before. I love it. I’m still no good at art, but now I know that doesn’t matter. It takes my mind off things when I am here, and it’s relaxing.”
  • “I really enjoyed the course and would be interested in taking part in something like this again in MISA.”


Smart D8 funding contributed to the program at Creative Life, MISA, SJH. Numerous creative initiatives took place over two months, enabling older adults within MISA and the Dublin 8 community to access arts and culture at the Creative Life Hub. This collaboration allowed artists Emma McKeagney and Asha Ari to facilitate and support both older adults and hospital staff in connecting to their creative sides. Participant feedback suggested they had successful and positive experiences on both individual and community levels. This funding developed a wonderful collaboration working on shared goals between Creative Life, MISA, and Smart D8, with the potential to grow in the future through advanced planning and engagement to access arts, culture, and healthy aging at the intersection of the hospital and community.

Theatre Workshops for Dementia Among Five Pilot Projects Selected by Smart D8

  • Pilot projects selected to focus on speech and language, community health, disability support, dementia and medical administration.
  • Latest selection of Pilot Projects follows three years of success, having reached over 6,000 citizens in and around Dublin 8.
  • Smart D8 is led by The Digital Hub, St James’s Hospital, Dublin City Council and Smart Dublin.

(L—R) Eavanna Maloney (Dublin Simon Community); Jack Lehane (Smart D8); Dr Jenny Fortune (CP-Life Research Centre at RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences); Giulia Camera (Smart D8); Dr Nicholas Johnson (Trinity College Dublin / Global Brain Health Institute); and Dr Shona D’Arcy (Kids Speech Labs). Smart D8 selection also includes Lyndsey Watson and Sonia Neary (Wellola). Photograph by Orla Murray (Coalesce, 2024).

A remote screening platform for children in need of speech therapy, a cloud-based system to streamline the medical management of homeless people and theatre workshops for people with dementia are among the five pilot projects selected by Smart D8 to transform health and wellbeing in Dublin 8. 

Smart D8, an urban health initiative using innovation to improve and sustain community health and wellbeing in Dublin 8, has announced a record number of successful applicants from its fourth pilot call. 

The fourth call follows three years of successful projects that have enhanced community health and wellbeing in Dublin 8, with 12 projects already bringing long-lasting and positive impacts to the local area over the past three years.  

To date, projects have reached over 6,000 citizens in and around the Dublin 8 district and originally stemmed from community-led research that identified unmet population health and wellness needs.

Continuing the success and growth of the initiative, the five pilot projects selected are:

  • Kids Speech Labs, which was founded by Dr Shona D’Arcy, addresses the critical issue of extensive waiting lists for children’s speech and language therapy in Dublin. Through a remote screening platform, speech and language therapists can identify areas of need in children’s speech and offer support and resources to parents while they wait for appointments.
  • Dublin Simon Community, will soon be opening a 100-bed medical facility at Usher’s Island in Dublin 8. The organisation aims to combat issues in paper-based hospital administration at the facility by implementing a digital medication management system through Digicare. Coordinated by Eavanna Maloney and Naomi Nicholson, the cloud-based application seeks to streamline management, reduce admin, enhance patient care and minimise health complications for a vulnerable population who often face barriers to accessing healthcare.
  • Led by Lyndsey Watson and Sonia Neary of Wellola, Portasana® aims to transform Population Health by offering a patient-facing digital care pathway solution, which empowers and educates patients, supports self-management and reduces face to face hospital appointments. The initiative fills critical gaps in mainstream healthcare practice by enhancing patient care. Wellola are collaborating with St James’s Hospital to provide digitised care pathways for chronic disease management to improve population health outcomes across Dublin city.
  • Initiated by Dr Jenny Fortune, CP-Life Research Centre at RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences will develop an innovative web dashboard to serve as a directory of local services and supports for citizens with disabilities. The pilot will empower disabled individuals through crowd-sourcing and knowledge sharing, reducing barriers to access to essential services and improving overall health and wellbeing in the community.
  • The Brain Health pilot, led by Dr Nicholas Johnson and collaborators at Trinity College Dublin and the Global Brain Health Institute, will create an educational and awareness program using theatre workshops with Dublin 8 residents affected by dementia. The pilot aims to raise awareness of dementia and preventative activities, destigmatize the condition and empower citizens to take control of their cognitive health. In collaboration with OT Platform and extended partners, the pilot aims to position Dublin 8 as a pioneer in dementia prevention and serve as a model for brain health initiatives city-wide.

Jack Lehane, Smart D8 Ecosystem Manager, said:

Each year we receive excellent applications for our pilot calls and this year was no exception. With a record five successful projects, we are delighted to see the growth of Smart D8 take shape and we are confident that these pilots can address key issues affecting the Dublin 8 community and beyond. Cross-sectoral collaboration that enables healthcare innovation mixed with scalable potential is at the heart of Smart D8 and this year’s projects will greatly enable this. We look forward to working with the chosen projects and seeing positive impacts foster in the local community.”

Each Pilot Project will receive support of up to €12,500 in resourcing to advance their existing work. 

The Smart D8 consortium is led by The Digital Hub, St James’s Hospital, Dublin City Council and Smart Dublin, together with the Guinness Enterprise Centre, HSE Digital Transformation, Tyndall National Institute, St Patrick’s Mental Health Services, Trinity College Dublin Research & Innovation, Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, National College of Art & Design, and Health Innovation Hub Ireland.

Owing to its success, previous initiatives include Menopause and the City, which launched in 2023 and aimed at enhancing the education of women and their family and friends about menopause so they can be empowered to manage their symptoms, Heart of Our City, which aimed at improving awareness and management of cardiovascular disease in the community, and MoveAhead, which pioneered motion-analytics technology built specifically for children to improve movement skills.

For more information on Smart D8, visit

Smart D8 Opens Call for Tutors and Facilitators : Join The Smart D8 Panel

Introduction and Overview

Smart D8, a pioneering population health and wellbeing demonstrator, has been at the forefront of tackling real-world health and wellbeing challenges since its inception in 2020. By demonstrating new forms of collaboration while piloting new digital technologies and services, Smart D8 offers unique opportunities to address pressing population health issues.

The primary mechanism used to address these challenges has been the implementation of open calls for pilots. These open calls for pilots have taken place every March from 2021, addressing specific health challenges each year and resulting in the successful execution of 12 key pilot projects to date, with numerous others in the pipeline.

Apart from the pilot scheme, another strategy used to address these challenges is the support of health and wellbeing initiatives. In fact, since January 2024, Smart D8 has been actively supporting various organisations and professionals across Dublin 8, facilitating the delivery of health and wellbeing workshops for both workers and residents in the area. These initiatives catered to diverse age groups and covered a range of themes, such as healthy food and eating, physical health and wellbeing, successful and positive ageing, and mental health.

As a result of these endeavours, thousands of individuals have been inspired and engaged by innovative pilots and health and wellbeing initiatives. Smart D8 has now established relationships with 30 community organisations, three community networks, and 10 schools in Dublin 8, and is now looking to expand its offerings.

To further extend its impact, Smart D8 is now seeking to establish a panel of tutors and facilitators to deliver inspirational and educational workshops on health and wellbeing with a wide range of partners to workers based in Dublin 8.

This represents an exciting and unique opportunity for individuals with an interest in developing their tutoring and facilitation skills while contributing to the health and wellbeing of the Dublin 8 community. All of this while working within an innovative environment and engaging with a community of innovators and entrepreneurs.

Smart D8 Workshops Themes

Smart D8 is looking to establish a panel of tutors and facilitators to deliver inspirational and educational workshops on health and wellbeing to employees of companies based in Dublin 8. These workshops aim to empower the Dublin 8 working community with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Therefore, we’re now seeking expertise in various health and wellbeing fields to lead the engaging and informative workshops mentioned above. Find below the two main areas we are interested in recruiting:


  • Skin Disease Prevention
  • Cancer Prevention
  • Diabetes Prevention
  • First Aid and CPR


  • Nutrition and Diet (i.e., healthy cooking and eating habits)
  • Sport (e.g., yoga, tai-chi etc…)
  • Positive Sleep Habits
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Psychoeducation (e.g., teaching coping skills for anxiety, depression, stress etc…)
  • DIY and Craft Activities (e.g., woodworking, metalworking, upcycling projects etc…)
  • Cultural and Recreational Activities (e.g., music sessions, art classes, film screenings, writing classes, gardening classes, etc…)
  • Social Activities (e.g., learning to play chess, pool, table tennis, darts, etc…)

Smart D8 seeks to support the development of impactful health and wellbeing workshops with the potential to scale. The tutors and facilitators should be ready to deploy the workshops with Dublin 8 companies’ employees starting September 2024.

Who Should Apply?


  • Expertise in any of the mentioned above areas.
  • Experience or strong interest in health and wellbeing.
  • S/he/they will work well under pressure and have the ability to work on his/her/their own initiative.


  • S/he/they will be an effective and engaging communicator with the ability to inspire in a positive way.
  • S/he/they will have excellent, interpersonal and presentation skills – both written and verbal.
  • Excellent analytical skills – can identify a problem/risk and propose solutions to multi-faceted problems (essential).
  • Excellent time management skills and highly organized. The ability to meet deadlines while working on multiple projects simultaneously, to priorities tasks and see through to completion (essential).
  • Flexible approach – available to work outside normal hours are required on an occasional basis (essential).
  • Resourceful / conscientious and self-motivated individual with a ‘can do attitude’ – ability to see tasks through to completion (essential).


  • Responsibility for the operational project management of health and wellbeing workshops with workers in Dublin 8.
  • Engaging the employees of companies based in Dublin 8 to participate in activities and capturing data to benchmarking impacts.
  • Responsibility for the coordination, planning and implementation of health and wellbeing workshops, events and meetings including events to promote the workshops.
  • Monitoring, collection and timely reporting of project outputs, milestones and deliverables to the Management team and associated co-funding agencies.

Why Apply?

Smart D8 offers a unique opportunity for tutors and facilitators to work within an innovative environment and to engage with the working community of Dublin 8.

The selected tutors and facilitators will receive:

  • An hourly fee which will cover training of the selected panel as well as course development, delivery and assessment.
  • Opportunities as they arise as we deploy and implement our health and wellbeing workshops throughout the next 12 months.
  • Access to learning facilities, equipment, venues for the workshops, and meeting spaces.
  • Opportunities as they arise to networking opportunities with the unique range and diversity of partners in the Smart D8 Consortium, and with innovators, technologists, creatives and entrepreneurs.
  • Access to the vibrant Dublin 8 community, with a population of 43,000 people.

How to Apply?

If you are interested in applying, please send the following to

  • a cover letter outlining how your skills and experience are suited for the role on the panel;
  • a CV no more than two pages in length, which should be submitted on or before Friday 12th July 2024.

Shortlisted candidates may be called for an interview.

Successful applicants will be chosen by a selection panel established by Smart D8.

Call opens: Wednesday, 12th June 2024

Call closes: Friday, 12th July 2024

Workshops to start: September 2024

Late submissions will not be accepted.

All materials submitted should be clearly labelled with the applicant’s name and contact details.

The selection panel, whose decision is final, has the right to clarify any issue which may arise in the course of selection.

Applicants may be asked to supply the names and contact details of referees as part of the selection process.

Smart D8 reserves the right not to award commissions and, in this instance, reserves the right to pursue other selection processes.

Submissions will not be returned.

Eligibility and General Conditions

Smart D8 is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and promotes equality, diversity, and inclusion within its sector, protecting human rights and eliminating discrimination.

If you have a disability or require reasonable accommodations as part of our application process, we strongly encourage you to share this with us so that we can ensure you get the support you need.

Selected tutors and facilitators will be required to follow national policy with regard to commissions involving interaction with vulnerable adults and where applicable undergo training in this area, as per national requirements.

The appointed candidates will have to supply an up-to-date tax clearance certificate prior to signing of contract and for the duration of the panel.

Please email any queries in relation to the Tutors and Facilitators panel to before Friday 21st June 2024.

Laughter Yoga Session

Event Recap

On May 29th, from 1 pm to 2 pm, Smart D8, in collaboration with Simone Meschnig, Laughter Yoga Leader, Sound Healing Practitioner, and Meditation & Yoga Teacher, hosted the ‘Laughter Yoga’ session. Held in iD8 at The Digital Depot, this event marked the sixth workshop dedicated to Mental Health Awareness Month.

Workshop Highlights

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter Yoga combines three powerful elements:

  1. Laughter and Playfulness
  2. Yogic Breathwork
  3. Mindfulness Meditation

Laughter Yoga uniquely blends unconditional laughter exercises with yogic breathing, without relying on jokes or humor. The practice is based on the idea that the body doesn’t distinguish between real and simulated laughter, resulting in increased oxygen intake and enhanced energy and health. As a powerful cardio workout, Laughter Yoga stimulates physical exercise through laughter while maintaining eye contact with others, promoting genuine playfulness. This often leads to real, contagious laughter, bypassing intellectual barriers that usually inhibit natural laughter.


Laughter Yoga sessions begin with gentle warm-up techniques such as stretching and body movements to break down inhibitions and encourage playfulness. Breathing exercises prepare the lungs for laughter, followed by a series of laughter exercises that combine acting and visualization techniques with playful interactions. These exercises, supported by the social dynamics of group behaviour, lead to prolonged hearty laughter. A typical session concludes with laughter meditation and deep relaxation, leaving participants refreshed and rejuvenated.


Participating in Laughter Yoga offers numerous benefits:

  • Increased Oxygen and Endorphins: boosts feel-good hormones in the body;
  • Stronger Immune System: enhances overall physical health;
  • Reduced Stress: eases physical, mental, and emotional tension;
  • Pain Relief: helps alleviate pain and discomfort;
  • Lower Blood Sugar Levels: contributes to better health management;
  • Natural Antidepressant Effects: releases endorphins and serotonin, mimicking the effects of some antidepressants;
  • Mental Clarity and Creativity: promotes a clearer, more creative mind;
  • Emotional Catharsis: provides a powerful experience of emotional release and joyfulness that can last for days;
  • Positive Mental Attitude: develops resilience and positivity to navigate challenging times;
  • Spiritual Connection: encourages self-awareness and spiritual growth;
  • Fostering Compassion: cultivates forgiveness, generosity, and a desire to seek the happiness of others.

Workshop Goals

This Laughter Yoga session connected people at a heart level, free from judgment, embodying the true spirit of yoga. Participants engaged in gentle stretches, giggles, and laughter exercises, making new connections and leaving the class feeling lighter and more energized.

To watch the video showcasing the best moments from the ‘Laughter Yoga’ session, please visit this link:

Managing Burnout And Stress: Is BOSS The Boss Of You? Talk

Event Recap

On May 30th, from 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm, Smart D8 teamed up with St Patrick’s Mental Health Services to host the ‘Managing Burnout And Stress: Is BOSS The Boss Of You’ talk in the Conference Room at St Patrick’s University Hospital, Dublin 8. This event marked the seventh mental health workshop facilitated by SPMHS’ Programme Manager, Debbie Van Tonder, in honour of Mental Health Awareness Month.

Workshop Highlights

Identifying Burnout Stress Syndrome (BOSS)

Burnout, now recognized by the WHO in the ICD-11, is a chronic state of physical and emotional exhaustion due to prolonged stress, often work-related. Characterized by extreme fatigue, detachment, and diminished accomplishment, burnout can negatively impact work performance, relationships, and overall well-being.

Ignoring burnout can worsen its effects, potentially leading to severe physical and mental health issues and decreased job performance. Burnout stems from accumulated work stress, causing exhaustion, energy loss, and a lack of motivation.

Common Signs of Burnout

Burnout manifests through various symptoms, including:

  • Constant fatigue;
  • Feelings of helplessness and defeat;
  • Emotional detachment and isolation;
  • Cynicism and negativity;
  • Self-doubt;
  • Procrastination and inefficiency;
  • Overwhelm and frustration;
  • Reduced job satisfaction;
  • Sleep disturbances;
  • Increased irritability and physical distress.

Causes of Burnout

Factors contributing to burnout include:

  • Emotional exhaustion: persistent fatigue after work
  • Depersonalization: alienation from colleagues and workplace
  • Low self-esteem: feelings of inadequacy and failure at work
  • Lack of control: inability to influence job aspects
  • Unclear expectations: uncertainty about job responsibilities
  • Conflicts: issues with colleagues or supervisors
  • Imbalanced workload: either too much or too little to do
  • Insufficient support: feeling isolated at work
  • Poor work-life balance: excessive work affecting personal life

Burnout is not merely due to long hours or busyness; it’s the result of prolonged high stress without adequate recovery.

Developing Stress Resilience

Resilience involves adapting, recovering, and growing from adversity, helping to manage and prevent burnout. Key aspects include:

  1. Stress Management: engaging in stress-reducing activities like exercise and mindfulness.
  2. Adaptability: being flexible and finding solutions during challenges.
  3. Positive Mindset: focusing on strengths and maintaining motivation.
  4. Boundaries and Self-Care: setting realistic expectations and avoiding overcommitment.
  5. Social Support: building strong support networks for emotional support.

Building resilience involves self-awareness, supportive relationships, self-care, realistic goals, positive thinking, problem-solving skills, stress management techniques, adaptability, and seeking professional help if necessary.

Coping Strategies for Burnout

To manage burnout:

  1. Explore Options: discuss concerns with your boss and set realistic goals.
  2. Seek Support: talk to colleagues, friends, or loved ones.
  3. Relaxation Activities: engage in yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
  4. Exercise: regular physical activity to reduce stress.
  5. Sleep: ensure restful sleep.
  6. Mindfulness: stay aware of your internal and external environment without judgment.
  7. Balance: allocate time for family, friends, and personal activities.

Employer Responsibilities

  • Develop strategies for mental health and regular stress assessments.
  • Provide access to counseling services and Employee Assistance Programs.
  • Promote open communication, regular breaks, and a healthy work-life balance.
  • Discourage stigma around mental health and prevent unreasonable workloads.

Workshop Goals

Participants at this talk learned that understanding resilience is crucial in addressing burnout. By building resilience, they can better handle stress and challenges, leading to improved wellbeing and success. This ongoing process enhances personal growth and leads to a more fulfilling life.

Prioritising Wellbeing and Mental Health Workshop



Event Recap

On May 28th, from 10 am to 12:30 pm, Smart D8, in collaboration with The Family Resource Centre St Michael’s Estate, Common Ground, and dance artist Philippa Donnellan, hosted the ‘Prioritising Wellbeing and Mental Health’ workshop. Held in Bay 1 at The Digital Depot, this event marked the fifth workshop dedicated to Mental Health Awareness Month, highlighting the importance of community, dance, and mental health.

Workshop Highlights


Over the past two years, from 2020 to 2023, The Family Resource Centre’s women’s group engaged in weekly sessions with the dance artist Philippa Donnellan. These sessions took place in various locations such as the open air, local schools, and the People’s Pavilion at the Irish Museum of Modern Art, offering a safe and creative space during the challenging times of the pandemic.

Benefits of Dance and Social Gatherings 

The workshop was more than just a dance session; it was a celebration of community and well-being. Dancing offers numerous health benefits, both physical and mental. Engaging in dance can improve cardiovascular health, increase flexibility and strength, and enhance coordination. On a mental level, dancing is known to boost mood, reduce stress, and provide a sense of accomplishment.

Social gatherings like this workshop play a crucial role in mental health. They offer a sense of belonging, reduce feelings of isolation, and foster meaningful connections. By coming together to dance, share stories, and celebrate, participants experienced a sense of joy and camaraderie that is essential for well-being.

‘We Love Dancin’ Screening

A highlight of the event was the screening of the film ‘We Love Dancin’, a collaborative dance project produced by The Family Resource Centre St Michael’s Estate and Common Ground, directed by Cathy Dunne of Lore Films and funded by the Arts Council, with thanks to IMMA.

To watch the film, click here or view it on Vimeo

Women’s Empowerment Through Dance    

During the workshop, participants had the opportunity to dance alongside the women’s group led by Philippa. They enjoyed the group’s favourite dance tracks and learned different steps and movements.

Celebrating Dublin 8 Community Groups

This special event united diverse local community groups from Dublin 8, who had seldom gathered together since Covid-19. It fostered new connections and strengthened existing relationships, highlighting the importance of coming together in person once again. It was a testament to the power of community in promoting mental health and well-being. The workshop not only provided a space for dance and fun but also highlighted the importance of supporting one another through creative and engaging activities.

Workshop Goals

The workshop equipped attendees with a variety of dance steps, movements, and tracks that they can enjoy in their personal time, whether dancing alone or with others. Following the dance session, participants gathered for a delightful buffet, where they shared meals and stories. This communal dining experience underscored the joy and connection that such opportunities provide, fostering a sense of community and well-being among all who attended.

To watch the video showcasing the best moments from the ‘Prioritising Wellbeing and Mental Health’ workshop, please visit this link:

.ie Digital Town Awards 2024

Celebrating Smart D8’s Achievement at the .ie Digital Town Awards 2024 

We are excited to share that Smart D8 has earned the Runner-Up spot in the Digital Community category at the .ie Digital Town Awards 2024. This category honours digital initiatives and projects that significantly benefit their communities. The Winner received a €4,000 Prize Fund, while the Runner-Up was awarded €2,000.

Smart D8 – A Population Health and Wellbeing Demonstrator in Dublin

At Smart D8, our mission is to actively engage with our community, striving to make a positive impact on people’s lives by preventing illnesses and promoting health and wellbeing. This recognition underscores our dedication to these goals.

Understanding the .ie Digital Town Awards 

The .ie Digital Town Awards were established to promote digital enhancement and adoption across Ireland. These awards raise awareness and understanding of digital technologies among Irish citizens, businesses, and communities. They celebrate the digital achievements of local towns, both large and small, highlighting the potential of digital innovation to transform communities.

The Role of Digital Innovation

Digital technologies create opportunities for innovation, making communities more attractive places to live and work while contributing to a sustainable future. The awards also acknowledge the efforts of volunteers who tirelessly work to improve their local areas, showcasing how towns can leverage digital resources for renewal and growth.

Eligibility and Participation

The .ie Digital Town Awards welcome entries from community organizations, town groups, regional or national collaboration projects, and individual businesses. Participants must demonstrate the implementation and impact of their digital strategies.

Smart D8’s Digital Vision

Smart D8’s digital vision is a response to the challenges confronting healthcare, navigating through chronic diseases, ageing populations, and unforeseen emergencies. Unlike traditional healthcare models that predominantly allocate resources to retrospective treatment, Smart D8’s vision lies in a ‘prospective’ healthcare strategy, geared towards preventing illnesses through innovative cross-sectoral collaborations, using a ‘whole society’ approach that ensures that the benefits of digital technology are inclusive, reaching diverse segments of the population.

A Commitment to Community Engagement

Smart D8’s digital vision stands as a testament to the transformative power of collaboration, innovation, and technology in addressing complex healthcare challenges. The people-centric approach, encapsulated by the question, “technology is the answer, but what was the question?” underscores Smart D8’s commitment to addressing the genuine challenges faced by the community, ensuring that technology is purposefully harnessed to enhance the quality of life for Dublin residents.

Smart D8 prioritizes a people-centric approach, putting community needs at the forefront. We actively engage the local community in shaping our agenda and pilot projects, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs are met.

Here’s to a Healthier and Happier Future Together!

We extend our gratitude to our partners and the Dublin 8 community for their support in achieving this milestone. We now remain dedicated to supporting our community’s health and wellbeing journey!

If you would like to learn more about what we or get involved, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at


Managing Your Anxiety Workshop

Event Recap

On May 22nd, from 1 pm to 2 pm, Smart D8 teamed up with Turn2Me to host the ‘Managing Your Anxiety’ workshop in The Learning Studio at The Digital Depot. This event marked the fourth mental health workshop facilitated by Turn2Me’s CEO, Fiona O’Malley, in honour of Mental Health Awareness Month.

Turn2Me is an Irish online mental health charity that provides accessible services to adults living in Ireland.

For more information on Turn2Me and the services they offer, visit their website at

Workshop Highlights

What is Anxiety

Anxiety is an emotion characterised by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes.

Types of Anxiety

  1. Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD): feeling excessive, unrealistic worry and tension with little or no reason. It causes you to feel anxious about a wide range of situations and issues, rather than one specific event. People with GAD feel anxious most days.
  2. Social Anxiety Disorder: feeling overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations. It is an intense fear that doesn’t go away.
  3. Specific Phobias: an overwhelming and unreasonable fear of objects or situations that pose little real danger but provoke anxiety and avoidance. The four major specific phobia categories are natural environment (e.g., thunderstorms), animals (e.g., insects), mutilation/medical treatment (e.g., needles), situations (e.g., heights, airplanes, enclosed spaces).
  4. Panic Disorder: an intense attack of fear and anxiety that may occur without warning. They often occur in response to a stressful event.

Psychological and Physical Symptoms

  1. Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD): restlessness, fatigue, excessive anxiety and worry, increased muscle aches or soreness, impaired concentration, irritability, difficulty sleeping.
  2. Social Anxiety Disorder: fear of situations where you may be judged negatively, worry about embarrassment and humiliation, fear of interacting with strangers, avoidance of situations where you might be the center of attention, blushing and fast heartbeat, trembling, nausea.
  3. Specific Phobias: an immediate feeling of intense fear, anxiety and panic when exposed to or event thinking about the source of your fear.
  4. Panic Disorder: racing heartbeat, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, chills, a choking sensation, ringing in your ears, fear of dying.

Workshop Goals

The workshop provided attendees with a range of tools to manage anxiety effectively such as conscious breathing (deep breathing to calm the body), mindful awareness (techniques to shift awareness between internal and external stimuli to gain a sense of control), fun and laughter (moments of joy reduce tension), and counselling/therapy. The session concluded with a Q&A segment, allowing participants to ask specific questions and seek further advice. The open dialogue fostered a sense of community and understanding among attendees, highlighting the importance of addressing mental health issues openly.