Smart D8 is pushing boundaries through innovative approaches to bees and data.
Bee8 is a community-driven social enterprise supported by The Digital Hub, National College of Art and Design, St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services and Tyndall National Institute. The project is developing a link between society, nature and wellbeing using bees and data. By integrating sensors into beehive sites, the health of the bees, local air quality and CO2 levels offer local residents and the hive managers insights into Dublin 8’s biodiversity.

By January 2023, Bee 8 :
- Integrated 22 sensors into over 60 beehive sites
- Provided insights into a sustainable model for community-led bee keeping and honey production at scale
- Generated a diversity of online material to promote health, wellbeing and environmental sustainability
To keep updated on the plan and progress of the Bee8 project please visit
If you would like to learn hear more about the project or get involved please contact