Learnovate at Trinity College Dublin and St Patrick’s Mental Health Services
Your Portal was one of the five winning proposals selected for the first call for pilots launched in March 2021, which addressed three key community needs that had been previously identified with the community survey: mental health; population health management; and Covid-19 impact.
Your Portal is a health-education initiative, aimed to enable patients to increase access to their health data.
The use of digital patient portals is strong with service users; however, clinician engagement is slow, but gaining momentum.
Therefore, a structured review helped identify how patient portals can influence health outcomes.
The Portal is used across all care pathways – enabling inpatients, outpatients and daypatients to share appointments, care plans, treatment and recovery resources.
Your Portal generates insights into how digital patient portals could maintain patient engagement and improve adoption in line with evidence-based research and best practice.
Smart D8 welcomes expanded project partnerships with institutions, enterprise, universities, and experts alongside community representatives. Contact us at info@smartd8.ie