About Smart D8

What is Smart Docklands?

Smart D8 is an urban testbed with the purpose of investigating how smart technology can be used to improve citizens’ health and well-being in Dublin 8. Since October 2020, Smart D8 has brought together innovators with the community.

A diverse range of entrepreneurs, academics, local government, national healthcare providers and public bodies are working collaboratively to solve population health and well-being challenges at scale.

Community/ at the Centre

Working with the range of health institutions in the district, Smart D8 focuses on delivering projects in the areas of community health and well-being innovation. Smart D8 applies a people-centric approach, with the engagement and active participation of the local community at its core. Using insights from direct engagement with the Dublin 8 community, Smart D8 is focused on pilots, which target different needs such as healthy ageing, women’s health, mental health, and post-pandemic population health.

Our Partners
& Ecosystem

Since October 2020, the Smart D8 Consortium, composed of 12 partners, has demonstrated a unique partnership model for smart healthcare innovation to reduce pressure on healthcare deliveries. Smart D8 uses a whole-society approach and focuses on both the prevention of illness through smart innovation as well as its supporting treatment.